
Commute Efficiently

Daily-Link is the most efficient way to commute balancing costs, time and environment.

DL uses the empty sits allowing drivers to share the costs of their existing daily trip & passengers to get to work in a quick and efficient manner, while all save on their carbon emissions.

Daily-Link is a mobile app that will connect people who live in the same area and work in the same area to encourage carpooling on daily trips such as commutes. Daily-Link will allow commuters by car to reduce their daily cost and impact on the environment while allowing commuters by public transportation to get to work quicker and more efficiently.

Meet your Community

Reduce your carbon footprint

More than halve your Commutes costs

Car-Pooling is not ride-sharing

When ride-sharing, someone is paid to pick you up at your departure point and drive you to your destination. It is an on-demand service that is provided.

While Carpooling is when someone is already driving from A to B and allows other people to join them on the trip from point A to point B in order to share the costs of the trip, reduce the number of cars on the road and/or travel in a more social environment.